Protecting Your Home Away From Home

If you divide your time between two homes, like a primary residence and a trailer or cottage, there are steps you can take to help protect it while you’re away. Are you worried about break ins, flooding, and more? These tips will help you prep with the best of them and rest easy knowing you did everything you could to protect your home away from home.
Make It Look Like You’re Around (or Coming Back Any Minute)
For a cottage or trailer, consider these ideas to make your home look more lived in and deter break ins.- Install motion activated outdoor lighting
- Keep your valuables out of sight, in a safe, or better yet, take them with you when you go away for longer periods of time
- Consider putting up a gate with a lock at the end of your driveway - remember each barrier you place makes a break in less appealing to a thief
- Make friends with your neighbours, particularly those who are there on a full-time basis – give them your cell phone number so they can contact you if something seems off or strange
- Hire help to cut grass, shovel snow, or ask neighbours to park in your driveway, or tie in at your dock every now and then
- Put up signs that indicate the property is monitored, both by the road and on the water way (even if it’s not)
- Placing an old cut off hockey stick into the track of your sliding doors or window jams make it harder for anyone to force a door or window open
- Consider installing cameras and/or hiring an alarm company (especially if you’re in an area that has frequent break ins). Alarms can also be installed in the windows and door of your RV, and cameras can be installed near your dock.
- For RV’s invest in a hitch lock which will make sure that anyone who doesn’t have the key to your mobile home is unable to drive away with it
- Install additional deadbolts and don’t hide keys on or around your property (leave them with a trusted neighbour instead)